Update v2.0

Bet no one was expecting this one.

This update was technically 4 years in the making (realistically, I only worked on this for about 2 weeks with a 4-year gap), but I had some spare time after showcasing a game I've been working on at PlayNYC (which you can wishlist on Steam here -> https://store.steampowered.com/app/3171520/Flowers__Fortitude/) and decided to finally finish this "long-awaited" update.  Many of the update notes are technically spoilers so if you haven't played the game, don't read any further.

v2.0 Patch Notes:

  • General Updates (No Spoilers)

    • Added a Settings menu so you can change the volume
    • Optimized the game so it doesn't lag out on the main menu or in-game
    • Pegged anything dealing with movement or time to the time between each frame rather than the frame rate meaning...
      • Cars no longer zoom at a million miles per hour if you run the game faster than 60fps
    • Increased the size of the Coin hitbox so you "miss" them less often
    • Added a shadow to the player so you can get a general idea of how far your hitbox sticks out
    • Added sfx when impacting cars
  • Big Updates (Spoilers Ahead, last warning)

    • Added 7 new enemies (or members of the Whap family)
      • Grandma Whap: Starts slower than Whappy and is non-hostile. She will wander the map until the player sprints or bumps into her. After a short delay, she'll chase after the player at more than triple the speed of Whappy until the player is whapped
      • The Whap Twins: 2 smaller enemies that move faster than Whappy, but can only push the player
      • Ms. Whap: Same movement as Whappy, but upon hitting the player, she only pushes them and steals a coin to go put back into the world
      • Whapper: Faster than Whappy, will chase after the player until they are within a certain distance and then try to jump on the player
      • Uncle Whap: Same speed as Whappy, but starts off non-hostile. He will go to a random spot on the map and start filling the screen with text. The player must go up to him and whap him to clear the screen. After he is whapped 3 times, he becomes hostile and acts the same as Whappy.
      • Whap-betta: Same speed as Whappy and is completely non-hostile. He will go to a random location and upon reaching it, randomize the player's controls. He will do this every 30 seconds unless the player gets close to him, in which case he'll reset the player's controls and move to a new location.
      • Grandpa Whap: Is slower than Whappy. He will move to a random location on the map and then throw a hook at the player. If he misses the player, he will slowly drag it back to him in hopes of catching the player. If the player gets caught in the hook, they must spam the spacebar to escape before he drags you into him (or more realistically into traffic)
    • Every game there's a 3 in 10 chance of Whappy spawning with another hostile Whap family member along with an additional 4 in 10 chance that a non-hostile Whap family member will spawn
    • After completing the game, you gain access to Custom Mode which allows you to customize...
      • Which Whap family members spawn
      • The location where coins will spawn
      • The speed of the cars
      • How stamina works


Whappy Street v2.0.zip 57 MB
13 days ago

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